modified Durrmeyer Bernstein Operator
Modified opening operator
genetically modified modified food
modified modified frequency modulation
Modified modified Taohong Siwu Tang
modified Ishikawa and modified Mann iteration with mean errors
accounting-operator number identification(CAMA-ONI)operator
Bernstein-type operator (B-type operator)
lowering operator and raising operator
singular integral operator and potential operator
The Derived Operator of Kleene Implication Operator
the Wigner operator and the entangled Wigner operator
(2+1)-dimensional modified Boussinesq equation
(2-methylacryloyloxy)ethyl ester of acrylic acid modified rosin
(modified)routine method
10-methylphenothiazine modified carbon paste elect
Ⅰ- D SBS Modified asphalt
3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane modified open-tubular
3-D modified discrete cosine transform